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Calling All Bands, Venues, Lighting & Sound Guys! We Need Your Help!

The Fest is our long planned - Covid destroyed - Annual Music Event coming we hope sometime in 2023/24 which will bring you a superb line up of music from independant bands, singers & other acts as well as maybe some names that may surprise you! All the acts, previously have said they would be donating their time to help do their bit help us raise money for Mental Health Awareness & other various charities by helping us put on a great day of music and fun. Money raised for this event, through the help of local businesses, you The Fest Goer, ticket sales, raffels, donations and the likes, along with other various mini events we hope to host throughout the year will go towards these great causes. 

Our first ever festival was sadly cancelled due to Covid-19 & a full line up was already confirmed & so we now look forward to 2023/24 for our innaugral festival - although a few mini warm-up gigs will, we hope, be on the cards following the sucess of our Let's Go Bananas event held in November 2021!

Updates can be found here, as well as through Smart Radio 101 & Smart Country 101 Facebook pages, so keep checking back! If you would like to be a part of our wee festival, as a volunteer on the day or as a performer, donating your time, then please get in touch via the Contacts Page here on site. We look forward to hearing from you in due course!

Why Are We Doing This?

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The suicide rate in both young men and young women is rising & this is just one of the heartbreaking issues we want to higlight and raise money for, to help the organisations dealing with this terrible loss of life day in, day out. Mental Health issues leading to this drastic action was bad enough before Covid-19 but the state of peoples mental health is now deteriorating even faster. We are asking you to donate your time & join us for a day of music, fun & a celebration of life & to help us do our bit in the horrendous battle that lays ahead. And music helps, it really does! Together we can help those that feel there is no other way forward other than death. Because there is a far better way and we need to do all we can to end this senseless loss.

The ONS said men accounted for about three-quarters of suicide deaths registered in 2019, at a staggering 4,303 compared to 1,388 in women & that number is climbing, faster than it ever should be! The England and Wales male suicide rate of 16.9 deaths per 100,000 was the highest since 2000 but remained in line with the 2018 rate, while the rate for women was 5.3 deaths per 100,000, the highest it's been since 2004. Although there was no guarantee the impact of Covid-19 would lead to higher suicide rates, the Samaritans said its research, based on calls to its helpline, found that the pandemic had exacerbated the known risk factors for people who were already vulnerable. Many have been worried about losing their job or their business, with many wondering if they will even be able to pay their rent or mortgage, all this along with a fear of the inability to support their family and even a fear of homelessness for them all.

With more and more people seeking support for their mental health, it is absolutely crucial that services are equipped to meet this demand. No one should feel so alone, so desperate, should be afraid to ask for help. They should feel that they can reach out before reaching the point of taking their own life. It is essential that these people are given the support they need before things reach crisis point and, as such, Suicide Prevention has to be one of our many priorities right now when fighting Mental Health problems.


Together we can save lives, lives that needn't be lost. Can you help? Will you? Together we can make a difference & save lives.

Let's Go Bananas November 2021

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